Intel Capital Supports Intel Foundry Services Through the Foundry Innovation Fund
Intel Capital is excited to support the growth of our Intel Foundry Services (IFS) through the Foundry Innovation Fund. As announced, the Fund aims to support early-stage startups and established companies in building disruptive technologies for the foundry ecosystem. Investments in capabilities to accelerate foundry customers’ time to market—spanning design intellectual property (IP), software tools, innovative chip architectures, (including Chiplets), and advanced packaging technologies—are of top priority for the Fund. For qualifying companies, resources may be provided in the form of equity investments, strategic engagements, and technical collaboration, or through funded development.
Intel Capital will be partnering with IFS to identify innovative companies within the IFS ecosystem. Companies requesting equity investment consideration through the Fund will first be screened for relevance to the Fund’s goals and then, if appropriate, vetted through our investment due diligence process. Companies seeking consideration for equity investment from the Fund can initiate contact with Intel via the Fund announcement section of the Intel Foundry Services page at www.Intel.com/foundry. These investments will allow investee companies to increase research and development, grow headcount, and scale corporate offerings to enable IFS and its customers.
Since the early 1990s, Intel Capital has invested $5B in over 120 silicon-related companies, contributing more dollars into the silicon manufacturing ecosystem than any other investor. We invest with a forward-looking view, anticipating our technological or capacity-related needs to enable on time, and on budget, delivery to customers globally. With the announcement of Intel’s “IDM 2.0”, a major evolution of our integrated device manufacturing (IDM) model, and the recent Foundry Innovation Fund, Intel Capital has raised the investing bar within the silicon space and announced several recent investments including Fabric8Labs, Motivo and others not-yet announced.
At Intel Capital, we’re honored to be part of Intel’s aggressive growth and creation of IFS by investing in innovative companies that share its vision for the future.