Investing in a New Standard of Care Delivery

The “tripledemic,” the triple threat of COVID-19, flu and RSV, poses a serious threat to healthcare systems across the country, which are struggling to keep up with staff shortages, burnout, bed capacity, and financial solvency. Despite these challenges, healthcare systems must still deliver quality patient care, but how?

Intel Capital has kept a watchful eye on key healthcare technology that dismantles the barriers to data access beyond the bedside and deploys advanced analytics to get ahead of patient deterioration. We identified the siloing of data as one of the most critical barriers and invested in Medical Informatics Corp. (MIC), a provider of virtual care and analytics, to be part of the solution.

MIC’s Impact During the Pandemic

MIC’s vendor-neutral, FDA-cleared Sickbay™ platform helps clinicians unlock real-time health data to enable flexible, centralized remote monitoring of any bed and the development and deployment of real-time AI in a standardized workflow from hospital to home.

During the pandemic, MIC leveraged Intel-powered technologies and PRTI funding, to integrate 3,988 beds across the country and enable hospitals to support clinicians on the floor and get more eyes on patients to reduce code blue events and ICU transfers. Hospitals are also leveraging Sickbay to support everyday patient care, stand up virtual nursing programs to augment staff on the floor, and create ground-breaking analytics for advanced arrhythmia detection, cerebral autoregulation, and more. Additional metrics realized by hospital sites from the funding include:

  • Scaled from 32 to 350 ICU beds in a day to enable virtual ICU coverage from any PC
  • Added ED beds to virtual ICU stations with one click to help reduce ICU holds by 25%
  • Demonstrated reduction in code blue events by 37% as a result of virtual ICU support
  • Enabled virtual rounding by hundreds of providers over the web, including the ability to add specialists outside the system to collaborate on care and expedite intervention
  • Created ventilator wall boards with audible alarms on unit outside of patient rooms to reduce risk of exposure and decrease patient risk since vents only alarmed in rooms
  • Stood up virtual vent stations with all vented patients on a single screen, across 5 different brands of ventilators so a dedicated respiratory therapist could monitor all vented patients across the hospital while other RTs could deliver 1:1 patient care

The Road Ahead

MIC will use its latest funding to continue to fuel its rapid growth and add highly specialized talent, including deep product specialists and client engagement teams to support their growing list of customers and long-term strategic partnerships. MIC will also release a number of new products in 2023 – all to align with their mission of Saving Lives Bit by BitTM and helping to create a new standard of data-driven care.