Roi Bar-Kat is a Managing Director located in Israel. He joined Intel Capital in 2019.
In his role, Roi is responsible for managing Intel Capital’s investment-related activity in Israel. Roi is primarily focused on investing in early-stage opportunities across multiple technology domains and market verticals including data platforms, cyber security, mobility and more.
Roi currently serves as a director or observer on the board of Anodot, DustPhotonics, EasySend, Lightbits, Neuroblade, Nexite, WSC, Xsight and Xyte.
Prior to Intel Capital, Roi worked at the US-based fund, Liberty Technology VC (funded by Liberty Media) and was a Principal at Genesis Partners and VP at Incentive-Peregrine VC. Roi loves to cook, bike, play the bass guitar and spend “off-screen” time with his wife and three kids (less so when losing to them in board games).